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L’Chaim City Limits Family!
L’Chaim City Limits was important on so many levels. From 16 cities and 11 states being represented, to 160 participants with occupations ranging from Surgical Planner to Athletic Trainer, to the involvement of multiple Judaic Organizations including Hillel, Chabad, YAD, and Shalom Austin. L’Chaim City Limits was truly remarkable. However, perhaps the most important thing outside of you, our most esteemed attendees, LCL gave birth to an Incredible Non-Profit, Judaism United.
Echoing my speech from Sunday’s Brunch, Judaism United(JU) is a Business-Focused, Jewish Network that seeks to unify those of a Judaic Background across different geographic backgrounds and social groups. We will accomplish this by partnering with other Judaic Organizations as well potential outside vendors and sponsors in a way that is mutually beneficial for all entities involved. The types of events that will encompass JU will range from vendor fairs to expos, business foundations and entrepreneurship courses, and, of course, social networking events.
In essence, JU will take on a lot of the same themes that were proven successful through L’Chaim City Limits. This includes a mutually beneficial partnership that was formed between Jewish Organizations in reference to the Friday Night Minyan and Kabbalat Shabbat Candle-Lighting Ceremony, the make-up of the 7-person committee, and the 9+ Vendor/Product Sponsors that made up grab bags, free product donations, and signage/activities at the event.
With all of this being said, none of this has been done nor can be done without you. You are the most vital part of the success of both LCL and JU, and I can’t wait to continue this journey with you. As my speech alluded to, we are extending an incredible opportunity to all of those who attended LCL. Should you wish to advance your relationship with Judaism United, we would welcome you to be a part of our Ambassador Program.
If you have a moment and would like to learn more, please visit our Website’s Ambassador Page and get ready to join the already 6 ambassadors who have already expressed interest! With this being said, if you would like to advance your connection with Judaism United as an attendee of our events, that is great too, and we are forever grateful.
Thank you again for all of your support.
Scott Eiseman, Founding President